Sunday, June 17, 2007

Intermediate level - Test 9

1. ............. there is a close correlation between stress and illness.

2. ............. is often used in soups and sauces.

3. Perspiration increases ............. vigorous exercise or hot weather.

4. Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster .............

5. Even if the unemployment rate ............. sharply, the drop may still be temporary.

6. Studies indicate ............. collecting art today than ever before.

7. Thieu Tri was a ............... poet who would pen a verse or two at a moment's notice.

8. I've been to the theater ................... of times.

9. But ............... of the plays I've seen are modern.

10. When I studied Shakespeare, I thought his plays were ............... boring.

11. .................. of Shakespeare's plays are about history.

12. They spent ............. time studying Victorian literature.

13. .................. popular expressions in our language have interesting background.

14. At the beginning everybody spoke English very quickly and I couldn't understand ........... But after ................. days, it is easier and .................. things I had learnt came back to me.

15. They ................. in New York next week.