
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Advanced level - Test 23

1. I have designed the kitchen so that my son can’t reach everything.

2. What led you to leave your job and make this trip?

3. In the end we had so little time together that our marriage was breaking up.

4. The yacht had set out for France despite the warning.

5. She’s just bought a pair of silk tights.

6. They never expected that …………….. find the bicycle.

7. The car was easy to recognize, …………….. it wasn’t difficult for the police to catch the thieves.

8. By the end of next year, they …………….. the new stadium.

9. The news of the President’s death astonished the world.

10. A multitude of people attended.

11. He’s just arrived to find his wife in tears.

12. People have a …………….. for special occasions, such as a wedding, a funeral and a graduation.

13. …………….. work is the work which is done the same way all the time.

14. To …………….. means to help someone remember.

15. People …………….. their money because they want their money to grow in value.